Tuesday, July 6, 2010

family...always comes 1st!^^

sometimes  i just feel like they give me too much...

Ya Allah, permudahkan urusan keluargaku dan peliharakanlah kami..

i always touched by my father's word...sometimes, when someone talk less, whenever they start to speak out, it will always helps...
trima kasih abah...^^

thinking too many things lately...especially about my family~
ira: aku rindu ayah aku
me: aku pon....:'(


ijatto said...

good luck.. tp aku tak talk less pon..hahahahaha

Hilal Azmi said...

hahaha... family relationship is the best part of human being. So, enjoy it!!!

que sera sera said...

mekaseh...^^ tula kn!tp ko sgt2 membantu...chaiyok2!!!

betul2!!aku syggg family aku...hehe^^