Wednesday, April 21, 2010

when dealing with the most cutest creature in the world!^^


alhamdulillah...exam is over!!!^__^

rasanya mcm sgt lega kot!finally...d last posting in 4th year dah pon tamat...and lepas ni sambung pd elective plak di mlaka!^^

byk sy blaja kat posting much to be covered and different approach for children compared to adult!skrg, mungkin cara sy melihat kanak2 sedikit bbeza dr's more to medical approach and on their appropriate development milestone~hee...

hopefully even this exam is not perfect, but it covers here and there for each session...ameen~~insyaALLAH...

my 1st patient...irritable and xbrape bg kerjasama...long case plak tuh!which i need to perform all examination to her...baru nk dekat je...

"alooo...cket je akak nk denga ni...bolehla..."
"ok2,akak xcek..."..---sambil stetoscope kat chest that girl---(main tipu!hehe)

haha...that's y i said child is unpredictable...mak aih...nasebla si ibu sgt baik...alhamdulillah...and finally i just manage to auscultate the lung....alahai~ but alhamdulillah,session with doctor quite smooth,insyaALLAH...

my short case, biasala budak2 staun ni duduk x diam....xpela...but i sweat like there's boiling water rite above my head!punyelah takot...haha!lawak pon ade...tergelak2 jugakla ngan doc sambil tangan pegang tisu..ohh!it's terrible...and agak sengal...

"ok...what do u think the most likely type of nephrotic syndrome for this patient??"
"ok...which stands for...."
"---muka tension bfikir----"
"aduhai...bila exam ni la nk lupe...hehe!"
"'s ok2..."

dengan slumbernye ckp bhasa mlayu ngan doc!dahla psl tlupa plak tuh!hehehehe....

they said, the most important approach in dealing with kids is patience!and that's really true...still remember: masa nk cek patient masa nk main2 aritu...pateint tb2 nanges like waaaa!!!!!sgt kuat smp 1 wad tgk sy...
'oh honey, did i do anything wrong to u???'

mula2 nye,cm agak trasa....---poyo nk mrajuk ngan budak2!haha...but bila pk2 balik...come on lala!budak2 lah!:P

SmILe....always and forever!!!=)

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