Wednesday, February 24, 2010



xde mood nye nk study utk esok...should be dah kat ipoh dah nih!hehe

it's now on d 2nd week posting of paediatrics...everyone keep on mention bout this posting on FB, blog, ym and twitter, maybe sbb best sgt kot!'s less stress as u'll see cute face in each bed u walk to and examination involves playing,playing and playing...(^__^)

tension sket sbb mggu ni batuk,kenela pakai mask bile pegi ward...ntahla nape,ade delusion plak!rs mcm 'i'm ROBOCOP' bile dgn budak2...haha!sometimes i'm scared if they're scared of me...diorang renung muka sy mcm i'm from another planet...agaknya 'sapelah minah pelik ni!'...hihi!sore plak ala2 macho mcm Michael Learns to Rock...nk buat suara ala2 comel pon xlepas!hihihi~moga minggu depan they can start see my face clearly...=)

ramai bising2 rumah yg kami stay skrg ade 'yg mengganggu'...mimi n idot n ika decide to ulang alik dr k.l ke kajang everyday for the class...ntahla, cuak tu mmgla ade, but xpela, berserah ajelah...moga ALLAH permudahkan...ameen...^^ (kami datang nk blaja...huk3)

cuti ni, special sket!as there'll be reunion in pangkor...yeeaaa...alhamdulillah,dapat join!walaupon at 1st mcm xdpt pegi as byk hal jd...some of my frens will stay at my house and hopefully sume berjalan lancar...pakcik dr jepun pon dah balik ipoh, so,follow ajelah...

xsaba nk jumpa kwn2 think of d best memories i used to have with them, it feels like, kenapa masa mesti berlalu???hee...

Friday, February 19, 2010


Myspace Bubbles Note Generator

cuba menikmati hidup sepenuhnya...
walaupon life sgt 'mengkonfusekan'...hihi!
sometimes when u give what a person wants in their life, yet it still become a problem, it's so confusing what else u can do to satisfy a person's need...^^ 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

triad of life...=)


I’d just realize how nice d car’s owner yg saya langgar tempoh hari….

Arini, tgh2 abah drive kat kawasan sawah kat sebuah kampong, tba2 ade motor terlanggar blkang kreta abah…just like me aritu…bezanya,kete abah just calar, but kete yg sy langgar, remuk teruk…dan bezanya….

Pemandu motor dimarah teruk dgn abah n org ramai tapi saya pula siap diberi support lagi oleh d car’s owner and org2 perodua!hahaha….nice lah!mungkin sbb sy nampak sgt2 takut n tketar2 as it was my 1st accident and hope will b d last one…thank you so much incik….incik…..X INGAT!hehe…so,bukan sentiasanya nasib sy selalu xbaik kn??hee

And now I realize I had so many responsibilities to be fulfilled…makin byk dugaan yg anda hadapi, bertambah2 tanggungjawab yg harus kita pikul…kalau dlu, byk hal sy rely on others,But now I need to do it myself….uruskan diri sendiri n uruskan org lain…mungkin xde @ kurang masa lagi nk fikir hal2 yg xberkaitan…sometimes, rasa cemburu dgn org2 yg masih ade masa berfikir hal2 remeh…

Semakin dewasa, semakin byk tanggungjawab, semakin matang….nice triad!hee…ape2pon, setiap yg terjadi, positive or negative things, kita sbg manusia, cube2lah ambil iktibar dan memperbaiki diri dan keadaan sekeliling…

Oh!it’s just ramblings d masa2 'kepenatan' melampau…hii!
moga semuanya menjadi semakin baik...ameen~

I.M.A.N + S.T.R.O.N.G + S.M.I.L.E = everyone’s wish!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



i feel relieve as d exam is just over...alhamdulillah...menandakan posting busy pon berakhir...(^_^)

ntahla nk describe on my performance this time...ade o.k,ade k.o...bak kate mak, kita mencuba yg terbaik, selebihnya berserah padaNYA...betul tu!so,xnak runsing2 sgt...cuma ALLAH sgt2 membantu sy kali ni...examiner yg baik,kes yang baik...cumanya,mungkin short case nak detect position baby td...which mmg undetected d pole sume!mmg gabra...mungkin twin pregnancy...susah tu!but i'd tried my best to answer d question and act cool...xtaula cmne...moga sume ok2 je...

betulla,ALLAH  lebih tau ape yg tbaik utk menangis bile dpt tau i'll get gynae case for my long case as i just have 1 week exposure to that ward and no teaching on gynae...mestilah cuak!i think it's not fair for me...but luckily.....i'd got obs case in gynae ward and my examiner was my own prof!alhamdulillah...^^

dlm sume exam, mesti sume pon sy cuak tahap dewi! tapi kali ni, berpeluh2 mcm hujan...siap akak for my long case ckp
"berpeluh2 adik jawab soalan ye"

hahaha...cuak tau x~huhu...

apepon,sume da over...

JOM START posting PAEDEATRIC~~hello kids...(nak kua g cari barang2 mainan...hihi)

mesti rindu dgn sume lecturer O&G yg sgt2 care...mcm ayah n ibu!!!thanks lecturers...=)